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Posted To: Pipeline PressBubonic plague in China ? What’s next, frogs falling from the sky? Water turning into blood, darkness for three days? A big bank requiring $1 million in your account for some retail jumbo refis? Oh wait… that happened . (That’s one way to manage capacity.) Ivy League football has been yanked, and hurricane season is approaching in the Southeast with the periodic rushes to buy plywood and drinking water. We already have our hands full with temporary lay-offs and cutbacks turning into permanent job losses, something that the Federal Reserve has been trying to avoid. For good news, lenders are focused on “tappable” home equity topping $6.5 trillion, which is a record per Black Knight. One official noted that with mortgage interest rates hitting record lows, 90 percent…(read more)Forward this article via email:  Send a copy of this story to someone you know that may want to read it.